What a great example.

It's heartening to read this story of the young Japanese golfer giving away this years earnings to help the earthquake/tsunami appeal. If only the whole of humanity acted so selflessly.

Thank you Kaseline.

What a wonderful world we live in. I have been desperately searching for a cougarsamurai image to use for the site. I have been extremely fortunate to find this one and be allowed use of it by Kaseline. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Our deepest fear

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

by Marianne Williamson

Thanks to my good friend Virginia (once again) for this message.

Where do you live?

This isn't a question about geography. What I really want you to ask yourself is how much time you spend living in the real world and how much time you spend in your head. I know people who are constantly looking to the future. They never exist in the present but are always preparing to do the next thing. The problem with this is that they never actually get anywhere. I know other people who continuously reminisce about the past. However the past doesn't exist except in electrical impulses in the brain.

Learning to pay attention to what is happening to you and around you at this present moment is the key to getting the most out of life. It's not easy. We are so used to living in the past and future that we sometimes find it difficult to be present mind oriented. A great way to do this is to focus on what you are doing at that time. You could be driving your car or brushing your teeth. It doesn't matter so long as you give it your full attention.

Become a Peaceful Warrior

When I was 20 years old I worked in an international college in England during my University holidays. Foreign students would come and stay for several weeks to learn English and socialise with other like-minded people. These were great times for everyone, students and teachers alike. Throughout this time however, I always felt slightly out of place. Not that I didn't belong, but more a feeling of not understanding my purpose.
I was recommended to go and see a Shiatsu (Japanese massage) practitioner called Nicola Morgan. This was a wonderful experience and I revisited Nicola many times. At the end of my first session she recommended a book to me called Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman.
I went out and bought this book and it changed my life. The book has now been made into a film. I strongly recommend you try this book, especially if like me you need some direction.



There is a special moment at the end of each out breath; this is a moment of stillness and calm. Just by paying attention to this moment you can actually change your consciousness. Take a deep in breath now and slowly exhale. Pause for a moment and notice the stillness and calm. Repeat this three more times. You should notice a complete change in your consciousness; you should be more relaxed and serene. Use this simple technique throughout your day to bring peace and harmony into your life..

The simple things in life.....

A great way to illicit and change in your mood for the positive is to get a hair cut. A simple thing like having a trim can make cause a dramatic shift in your feelings. Not only will you look better (hopefully), which will raise your self-esteem, but also you will feel better because you have devoted some time and effort to 'yourself'. There's nothing wrong with a bit of pampering once in a while.

Of course there is a hidden meaning in all this; make a conscious effort to sort out what needs to be sorted and the results can only be for the good. Start with the simple things in life and then move on to the less simple. Lots of small little changes for the better soon add up to greater peace and well being.

Help please!

I need some help. If there is anyone out there who can design a great 'cougarsamurai' logo that I can use, that would be awesome. I have tried but my computer/art skills are poor. Lol
I was thinking of a meditating samurai seated cross legged next to a cougar - maybe. Any help would really be appreciated. :)


A little something to ponder:
If I could live again my life,
In the next one – I’d try to make more mistakes,
I wouldn’t try to be so perfect, I’d be more relaxed,
I’d be sillier than I’ve been,
In fact, I’d take things much less seriously.
I’d be less hygenic.
I’d run more risks,
take more trips,
watch more sunsets.
I’d climb more mountains, swim more rivers,
I’d go to many more places where I’ve never been,
I’d eat more ice cream and fewer peas,
I’d have more real problems and fewer imaginary ones.

I was one of those people who lived
prudently and fully every minute of his life;
of course I had moments of joy.
But if I could go back I’d try
to have only good moments.

Because if you don’t know, thats what life is made of,
only moments; don’t lose the now.

I was the type who never went anywhere
without a thermometer,
a hot-water bottle,
an umbrella and a parachute,
If I could live again, I’d travel lighter.

If I could live again, I’d go barefoot
from the beginning of spring
and stay barefoot until the end of autumn.

I’d ride in more carts,
I’d watch more sunrises,
and play with more children,
If I had another life ahead of me.

But now I am 85…
and I know that I am dying.

(Jorge Luis Borges)


Why not make your own website?

For years I thought how cool it would be to have my own website. I was always confused and unsure as to where to start. You may be feeling this way too. I found a great tool to make the job of putting yourself 'out-there' in:    SITE BUILD IT

The great thing with this product is that your online experience can also generate an income. Why not follow the link and have a look around? I have found developing my own website extremely enjoyable and satisfying, you might too.

Self trust.

I remember when I first started teaching how anxious I was until I realised that I was not alone. If I had a situation that I found challenging, I could always consult older and wiser heads. It gave me great peace of mind to know that I had 'back-up'. As my own experience grew I found I was able to offer similar comfort to teachers new to the profession and especially to those I was training to become teachers.
I apply a similar thought pattern when I approach difficulties in everyday life. Firstly I ask myself is there anyone I can trust to help me with the problem. Secondly I ask myself if I already trust myself enough to handle things on my own. More often than not the answer is a resounding 'yes'.
Try this approach yourself, you may find it useful.

Peaceful Warrior new book!

Dan Millman (my mentor for over 20 years)author of the Peaceful Warrior Series, has just released a new book. I thought you might like to take a look:

 The Four Purposes of Life: Finding Meaning and Direction in a Changing World

I have it on order and will let you know what I think soon.