Zen philosophy

If you have never taken the time to study the theoies and ideas of Buddhism, you might want to take a quick look.  Buddhism is not a religion at such, more a collection of thoughts and patterns of behaviour, which have the sole aim of helping people find happiness  There is a common understanding that all living beings wish to avoid suffering.  By following a simple set of principles we can go some way to achieving this goal.  Of course the ultimate aim is Enlightenment, but I can't tell you what that is, because I'm not there.  Yet.

If you have five minutes take a look on the web and do some investigation yourself.  You never known, you might open up to a whole new way of living.  Don't go shaving your head just yet!

Human beings

I heard a wonderful comment this morning whilst I was doing my Yoga.  I follow a program called Yoga zone in which the instructors dish out not only fantastic Yoga routines, but also some sage advice. Beverley mentioned today that we are human beings not human doings  So sometimes it is important to just be.  To stop running around all the time doing things and enjoy just being.  Sage advice indeed  A great way to do this is to set an alarm to chime every hour.  Similar to the mindfulness clock.  Every time you hear the chime, if it is safe to do so, stop what you're doing and take a deep relaxing breath.  I also find that focusing on something, brings me back to the here and now. 

Mindfulness Clock

I just thought I would share with you this marvellous little tool to help you remember to
pause and take a breath from time to time.
Mindfulness Clock

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free to make any contribution they wish.  It would be great to have a like-minded community who share a common goal, that of helping each other to find happiness and peace.


Welcome to my blog
and thank you for your visit.  Here you'll find  a plethora of information and ideas aimed at helping you find balance and happiness in all areas of your life.  Some of this information might be new to you and some might not, however it is always good to see things in a different light or perhaps gain a new perspective.  Watch this space!